Jessica Alba Workout Secret to get back in shape

Jessica Alba as we all known success to get back her curve body after birth child with a diet and workout routine.

In fact, Jessica has managed to create a slender line, while still preserving all her curves. It looks like an athlete mixed with feminine curves. So, what’s true height and weight of this actress? Jessica has 58 kilograms, which is not much considering that it is 170 cm tall.

See what kind of training has this actress and try to incorporate exercise into your routine and you will succeed to transform your body faster than you can imagine.

For this workout, you need 40 minutes of exercise at home. With this training Jessica lost weight after her pregnancy and the other in a very short period.
Alba begins with a 10-minute cardio exercises, the first 2 minutes she easy jog, then 6 minutes increases the pace and then again 2 minutes easy jogging.
After that the actress trains with weights. Exercise 3 sets of 20 reps with heavy weights 1.5 pounds. She works the following exercises:
Lateral shoulder raise At the same time to step forward and curl

After this short training for strength, Jessica is back on the cardio exercises. She again starts running on a treadmill at equal intervals. This time she runs for 5 minutes, alternating 30 seconds easy jogging, and running 30 seconds fast.
Then, Jessica returned to training with weights, but this time for three sets of 30 repetitions, also using a weight of 1.5 pounds.

Thrust to the chestSquats with shoulder presses Triceps

After that, the actress is back on the treadmill for another 5 minutes of cardio exercise. Do everything the same as last time.

Now it’s time for a shade more serious and difficult exercise. Alba training ends with a series of 20 repetitions the following exercises:
Exercises for abdominal muscles
Exercises for abdominal muscles with leg lift