I touch the future. I teach.

I know I have a noble job. I have heard people told me so many times before. It's not a glamorous job. It doesn't pay handsomely. Yet, I have a job!

This job of mine gives me the chance to practice a lot of skill. Apart from the essential role as an educator, I am also a parent, a psychiatrist, a motivator, a friend, a disciplinarian and a nurse to my students.

Role #1:  A Parent

As a parent, I have to take care of their needs in school. It is my responsibility to make sure they have everything they need so that they can study without hindrances. If a student come to me and report she has lost her money and she was hungry, I would give her some money for food. It was not officially written in my teacher's oath but mother's instinct is so strong that I would not allow the student to go hungry without doing anything to help. Would you?

Role #2: A Psychiatrist

As a psychiatrist, it allows me to explore in-depth into the student's emotion. I would have the chance to look into their mind, figuring out what they were thinking, what makes them to do the things they did. Isn't it cool?                                                                                                                       
Role #3: A Motivator

Schoolwork, tests and examinations can be tiring and boring sometimes. Students need to be motivated to go through these phases of life where all of those things are inevitable. Sometimes I meet students who are very weak in their studies. They never pass any tests or exams. As a teacher, I must never lose hope in them. Even though it is impossible to change them overnight, I know my words of encouragement do motivate them to keep on learning. Seeing them coming to school every day makes me proud. And for me, it is already a success!                                                    

 Role #4: A Friend

There are some bonds between a teacher and students apart from the formal teacher-student relationship. I enjoy being among my students. We share everyday life stories, we enjoy one another company. If we can be friends with the students they will open up to us.

Role #5: A Disciplinarian

Disciplinary matters are the most difficult to handle at schools. There won't be a day passes without an act of disciplinary problem. Therefore, it is not surprising if implementing discipline and order in school is one of a teacher's core duty.

Role #6: A Nurse

Madam, I have a headache! My stomach aches! When students come to you with these.. what are you going to do? I will normally put on my nurse hat and start being a nurse. I will touch their forehead to check their temperature. Then, I will ask them questions like, have you taken your breakfast? When did you start to feel dizzy? etc. After questioning, I will give them 3 options. First, do you want to take any paracetamol? (But make sure they are not allergic to it). Second, do you want to rest for a while, then go back to class after you're feeling better? Third, do you want me to call your parents and fetch you home?

"I touch the future. I teach." - Christa McAuliffe.