Farewell Friend!

"Some friends are not friends, they just happened to be there. Sadly I learned it the hard way. Maybe it is time to bid farewell and go on"
I wrote that on my Facebook status. And received quite a lot of responses concerning what friends are. I agree that we have our own perceptions of our friends and no one knows them better except their true friends.

Frankly speaking, I don't have so many friends. But the ones I do, I consider them as my Best Friend Forever (BFF). Therefore, when the meaning of friendship was betrayed, it hurt me badly. I don't wish to lose any friends but I can't afford to be hurt again and again. I think I had enough of this kind of friends. 

I have been TOO forgiving. I know my faith demands me to forgive other people wrongdoings towards me but should I when the same mistakes were repeated over and over again. I felt such a fool. 

Some friends became extra nice to me because of some hidden agendas. Most of the time they needed some favour, but that I don't mind. I don't mind helping out when my help is needed. What made me sad or maybe angry was when my so-called friends used me to get to the things they wanted. And if it didn't work out well, they would put all the blame on me. I've been through this, many times and I think this is about time I put a stop.

So, my [ex]-friends, if you happen to read this (I doubt you ever will), the time has come for me to say farewell. Good luck in finding new friends. Losing me wasn't a big deal to you anyway. Though, I am sad to let you go, I can't afford to be hurt anymore. I wish you all the best!