Talking About The First Week

Yes.. back to teaching again. Schools reopen on Wednesday and on that very first day, I was texted by my boss to come earlier to do some registration work. As I didn't expect that, I arrived late. Just a few minutes though. The boss has already had his office crowded with parents. Hehehe.. sorry boss! As soon as he saw me, I signaled that I would take over. Well done ME!

I began teaching on that day. Class 2-5, I taught them last year. I hope they are happy to have me as their teacher AGAIN! I know students of 2-1 do. They have been texting me during the holidays begging me to teach them and be their form teacher. OK now you got me.. be prepared! Another class is 2-8, all I can say is they are all kinda weak in their study so I have to be prepared!

First week of school was a busy week. There were a lot of things to do.. from teaching, completing documents, registering, spring cleaning, dusting, wrapping, and etc etc..[look so exaggerated! LOL]

Today, I went for another book-hunting. I bought a few reference books to be used in my teaching. It's not that I can't use my old books [I have tons of them] but I really love buying new books. 

I also had my laptop reformatted. So no laptop for tonight. Tomorrow, yes.
