Life is: Disappointments

The first month of 2012 and I already had a few disappointment!

Azim's application for a transfer to a vocational school has been rejected. His dream was crushed and so was mine! I was hoping to put him into that school so he could study better and to avoid him from mixing with his 'problematic' friends. As that's not going to happen now, I have to double my effort in keeping him focus with his study and keep him under close watch. Oh and yaa.. he broke his collarbone just recently due to a fall.

Next, the new so-called pay hike didn't happen or at least hasn't been happening yet! I was so hoping that it would soon so that I could buy an LCD projector that I have been longing for ages. Teaching would be much easier and much more interesting with that and the students wouldn't have to listen to me babbling all the time. Let the machine do the teaching, that's a change that I would like to see soon. But.. it's not happening .. just yet.

Still no underwater camera for me yet. I haven't been able to go diving for almost a year now.. The last I did was in March last year. I missed diving!!!

I put on weight! This is a sad story! The long holiday helped me a lot. I was too generous to myself and let myself indulged into those sins of the gluttony; eat, eat and be merry!. I tried to shed that extra kilos when school reopened by eating a healthy diet, more fruits, more vegetables, more plain water, less sugar, less fattening food, no food after 8p.m, exercising. But all my efforts were to no avail. SAD!

A friend unfriended me because I have no time to entertain his nonsenses. I'm not talking about the term 'unfriend' as used in facebook or other social networks, I'm talking about a friend in real life. Yet, I am thankful to him for having the courage to do what he did. I was thinking of doing so a long time ago but I didn't have the heart. Even though I should be rejoicing for this, I still call this as one of the disappointments because I should be the one to call off this friendship.

My washing machine isn't working properly and so do the two TV sets. I can still do the laundry sans the drying as the spinner isn't functioning. So, I need to wring each clothes before hanging them out to be dried. I am not loving this! As for the TVs,a  disadvantage to my sons. No more PlayStation til late night. Actually a disadvantage for me as well, as they are now using my laptop and desktop to play games.

It seems that a lot of things didn't go well so far. I need some motivation!!!!

I need the lights!!..