The First of the 366 Days

Today is a new day, a new year.. and I should be feeling all refreshed and in high spirit to start the day. Did I? Unfortunately not! I woke up at 8.00 a.m. and didn't do my morning exercise routine. Instead, I turned on the TV and slept on the sofa until it was 10.00 a.m. When my tummy growled for some filling, I dragged myself to make some cereal and then continued sleeping watching TV. The kids and Mr Hubby were also still sleeping soundly.

I turned my computer on and started surfing, playing games, watching YouTube, Facebook-ing, Twitter-ing and all sorts of things over the internet. Hungry?. made some instant noodle. Then, continued watching the computer screen, doing all sorts of things the internet has to offer.

Approximately at 3.00 p.m. I took my 'supposed-to-be' morning bath, washed my face, brushed my teeth (hahaha!) and wore a clean clothes. Then, I continued doing all sorts of things the internet has to offer.

That's my first day of 2012. Interesting I must admit! Hahaha!!

P/s: Shoutmix has officially closed its free service. Thanks for giving me the chance to use your wonderful app. Happy new year..