Harimau Muda

It has been a while since I last wrote.

School break is here and I hope I can spend more time blogging. It's not that I was too busy during school term but rather I didn't have too many things to write about and I prefer not to rack my brain to find ideas for my post [a.k.a LAZY]

Last night I watched the SEA Games, a football match between Malaysia and Indonesia. It was a thrilling match especially when both teams have a long history of conflict whenever they played against each other. The game was dragged to extra time. It was all adrenalin rush [for me!] when the winner had to be decided through penalty shootout. Luckily we won!! Yeayyy!!! 

And in today's news there were all kinds of happiness, celebration to mark our victory. The sad things are, there were a few negative incidents occurred after the match. I felt sad, angry, upset.. I just can't explained.. I hate those fanatic fans!!! [Read it here]

Anyway.. I just wanted to congratulate the Harimau Muda Team for the sweet victory!!! You did well! You deserved to win!!