Super annoying, I can Be That Too!

      I always try my super best to control my anger regardless how bad the situation is. People blamed me for their mistakes, I took it easy. I was given tasks that were supposed to be done by somebody else, I obliged without a single complain, the boss is always right. Sometimes, my kids give me trouble at home, disrespecting me, I still can put a smile on my face. Mr. Hubby showed uneasiness for the things I did for him despite doing the best to my ability, I apologized and accepted my weakness.

      Why am I so forgiving? Is that the case, or am I just plain stupid!

      The reason for doing the things I did is simple. I can be twice as annoying to them if I want to. I can make life miserable for them. I can make them crawl on their feet and come crying to me. I really can be super annoying and mess their life, IF I WANT TO!

Oh, yes I can! But what and where it will lead me to? More hatred and anger. Haven't we had enough? 
