I owe you!
If you know the words then you better start paying up.

I am not an angel, nor am I a philanthropist. But I will never turn down a friend who seek help especially regarding financial problems.

There was this friend, let's call this person A. A is a he. One day [many months ago], A called and told me about his car burglary. A few items was stolen. ID card, ATM card, cash, a mobile phone were taken. He could not withdraw money from the ATM machine as the card was stolen and he couldn't do so at the bank counter as well, as his ID card was not with him. He was left penniless!

So, he turned to me for favour. I remember his exact words when he asked me to lend him some cash. "I will pay up as soon as I be able to deal with the bank issues. Don't worry I WILL PAY'

I guess his 'as soon' has a different definition from the one I know. It has been 7 months now and there are no signs that he is doing what he had promised to do. Well, I really don't mind if he hasn't got enough money to pay yet. He can text me and give his endless excuses for not paying up. I can accept that. What pissed me off is he can brag to his friends and mine too,  about buying expensive things, dining in exclusive restaurant, pampering his girlfriends with gifts, vacationing overseas.. he can do all that but paying his debt. 

And he didn't even bother to answer my emails, calls or my text messages. What kind of man he is? If I were an 'ahlong' (loan-shark), his life would be in misery right now!!!!