May I have your order, please?

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      PTA meeting will be held this Sunday. And like previous years before, I was once again given the task to be in-charge of FOOD! The most irksome task! Although I like love to eat so much, this is the one thing related to food that I hate so much!

      Why? You might wanna ask. Let me list out the reasons:

  1. You have to order the food according to the tiny budget and yet it has to be satisfying. In other words, pay little but expect it to be a scrumptious meal. NO! can't do! This is where the problem starts. I have to argue, bargain, plead and everything that I can think of to make ends meet. 
  2. Lack of co-operation from other colleagues always makes this task like a one-man show. From getting the budget, ordering the food, serving/distributing the food (breakfast) during the meeting and then serving lunch at the end of the meeting, I always found myself alone. I did get help from a a colleague last year but she was the only one who helped. Thanks J!
  3. I hate dealing with the arrogant canteen operator! Since the canteen is our main food supplier, I have no little choice but to get all the food from her them. Honestly, I rather get my order from an outside supplier but last year's incident haunted me badly. The canteen operator was so angry with me and kept on calling  to scold me because I ordered some of the food from other supplier, and not from them. I was like WTF...I did order a big portion from them, I paid more than RM2000, wasn't it enough? Gimme a break..let other people make some fortune sometimes, will you! To get back at me, the canteen operator only served  food for 200-250 parents and teachers (I forgot the exact number, too painful to remember), less 100 than the actual order. But still they said it was for 350 people. What were they thinking? I was a fool? I didn't know how to count? Luckily, the parents who stayed until the end of the meeting amounted less than 350, so there was enough food for everyone. [Yeah, clap hands!!]
      For this year PTA meeting due on Sunday, I haven't contacted the canteen operator yet. I haven't made up my mind yet.