The Big C

          ZA, I am so tired, tired of everything. I'm tired of my sickness, tired of the pills I have to take to ease the pain but still the pain is there. I miss you, I miss being among my friends. Every time I thought I was strong enough to meet you, the sickness took over and left me weak. I'm sorry for cancelling our date before. My medication costs a lot. My brother is paying for it now but I don't know for how long. He is just a small time contractor.
I am feeling down right now. I wanted to cry but tears just won't come out..

      An email from a dear friend saddens me. Just as I thought she is doing fine, the email tells otherwise. My heart goes out to her. I hope I can do more to help her. I wish there is a way to ease her pain. I wish for miracle to happen and cure her. I wish she will win the fight. I have so many wishes for her but we are talking about Cancer here and the chances of winning seem very small.

      Cancer, the deadly disease, feared by all has taken the life of some important people in my life. My aunt lost her battle to cervical cancer  in 2003. She was bedridden for months before the deadly C took her life. She, however, gave a good fight. She never lost her hope and her strength and from her hospital bed, she always  asked to be strong. She was a very strong woman indeed. Nevertheless, the big C won in the end.

     Mr Bing, was initially my chat friend. I got to know him in a chat room back in 2004. Then we became real life friends after meeting him a few times. He was one of the people that I must meet whenever I came to KL. He would bring my friends and I to dinner and told us all kinds of story, his experiences during his younger days. He just loved to talk. In the middle of last year he was diagnosed with lung cancer. I had the chance to meet him at the hospital. He was skin and bone. Yet, he was himself, he talked a lot. His wife told us, he was excited to see us. That same year, in November, Mr. Bing left us. I heard the sad news while I was teaching in class. I wept silently. 

      Last month, my former classmate and a dear friend, lost his wife due to cancer. I blogged about that here.

I know somehow there'll be a sad ending but I still have my one wish..
I wish my friend will live long enough to see her daughters grow up and she'll have long enough time to be with us, her friends, again. 
Dear, I pray for you....