Love Can Happen

The chance to love and be loved exists no matter where you are.
~ Oprah Winfrey

     When I was younger, I didn't have the experience of falling in and out of love so much. As a teenager, I never had any boyfriends. I never had the experience of 'puppy love', the feeling of fleeting on air because of deeply in love, never smiled alone when thinking of that someone special, never received any gift during my birthday, or on valentine's day, Christmas or new year.

     However, it didn't mean that I had never have a crush on someone. I did, a few times. My first crush was my classmate. It was back in 1987. We always chatted during our prep (preparation class). We would share stories about how we miss our home since we were studying in a boarding school. He was a great friend. And whenever he went for sports tournaments, he would buy us (my BFF and I) chocolate. Unfortunately, I was not brave enough to say the magic words. So, nothing happened! The sparks eventually died.

     My second crush was while I was in  Teacher's Training College, undergoing training to become a teacher. We have so much in common. Adventurous, outgoing, quiet at times.. and we even share the same birthday! I cared for him and I prefer to think that he cared for me too but somehow in the end I found out that I wasn't good enough for him as I remembered him say that his family didn't quite approve because we have different beliefs then. It was a brief, short-lived love, if it can be called love at all.

     I don't have the third...

     I've came to know my husband when I was posted to his school. After 2 years, we got married. We don't have so many lovey-dovey tales to tell. Love just happened!